Credit & Loans

Category: Financial Articles View all

Best Ways to Finance a New Car

So you’ve found your dream car, and now comes the hard part: paying for it. Most people don’t have the means to pay cash for a new car. That’s why there are alternatives for financing.

When to Get a Personal Loan

There are times in life when you want or need to spend more cash than you have on hand. You can borrow the money and pay it back a little at a time if you have reasonably good credit.

When a Credit-Builder Loan Can Be a Good Idea

Despite the economic recovery, 56% of American consumers have subprime credit scores, according to a 2015 study by the Corporation for Enterprise Development — meaning they need to improve their credit in order to obtain loans and avoid high interest rates. For those who want to boost their scores in anticipation of a home or car purchase, or to bounce back after a bankruptcy, some lenders offer a specialty product called a credit-builder loan.

When a Credit-Builder Loan Can Be a Good Idea

Despite the economic recovery, 56% of American consumers have subprime credit scores, according to a 2015 study by the Corporation for Enterprise Development — meaning they need to improve their credit in order to obtain loans and avoid high interest rates. For those who want to boost their scores in anticipation of a home or car purchase, or to bounce back after a bankruptcy, some lenders offer a specialty product called a credit-builder loan.