Card Security Tips

Smart shopping goes beyond clipping coupons and finding hot deals. It also means protecting your financial information. Here are a few tips to keep your debit card safe while shopping.

  • Always keep your debit or ATM card in a safe and secure place. Treat it as you would cash or checks. Contact the Credit Union immediately at 1-360-734-2043 if your card is lost or stolen, or if you suspect unauthorized use.
  • Do not send your card number through email, as it is typically not secure.
  • Do not give out your card number over the phone unless you initiated the call.
  • Regularly review your account through Online Banking or your statements as soon as you receive them to verify transactions. Contact Industrial CU immediately if you identify any discrepancies.
  • If you have forgotten your PIN or would like to select a new one, please visit the nearest branch location.
  • Cancel and cut up unused credit and other cards.
  • If you receive a replacement card, destroy your old card.
  • When selecting a Personal Identification Number (PIN) don’t use any number or word that appears in your wallet (such as name, birth date, or phone number).
  • Shop with merchants you know and trust.
  • Make sure any internet purchase activity you engage in is secured with encryption to protect your account information. Look for “secure transaction” symbols like a lock symbol in the lower right-hand corner of your web browser window, or “https://…” in the address bar of the website. The “s” indicates “secured” and means the web page uses encryption.
  • Always log off from any website after a purchase transaction made with your credit or debit card. If you cannot log off, shut down your browser to prevent unauthorized access to your account information.